Home: skills and characteristics, pt. 2

skills and characteristics, pt. 2

Dear angel,

Here is a list of some things that I think a submissive girl, like yourself, should be able to do.







Self knowledge

And above all, love yourself as I love you, angel.


posted at 10:10 PM :: Comments (5)
filed under musings

comments on this entry

Mmmmmmm. I like the "fight me for control"-bit very, very much. And I like the fact that you give your relationship this much thought. After all, so much of it is in the mind!

— posted by: Bliatz on October 16, 2004 05:58 PM

I like this list too :-) Makes me wonder what I'd put on my list to C if I did one...

— posted by: B. on October 18, 2004 05:18 PM

Bliatz - I do love it when my angel is a brat. It gives me SO much to work with, and it's so much more satisfying when I finally gain control. As I always do. ;-)

B. - You know, it's always nice to hear that I've made someone think about their own lives. (It may be egotistical of me, but I get a thrill anyways.)

— posted by: Neko on October 21, 2004 01:17 PM

Don't worry, a selection of your lecherous ideas are being put to good use around this house too! (keep 'em coming, please)

— posted by: Claire on October 22, 2004 03:44 PM

Claire: I can't see myself stopping any time soon. I'm having WAY too much fun - and so is angel.

— posted by: Neko on October 25, 2004 10:52 PM


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